University of St. La Salle

The College of Engineering and Technology is offering a dynamic array of undergraduate programs designed to inspire, educate, and prepare the engineers and technologists of tomorrow. Our faculty and facilities provide the ideal environment for hands-on learning and research. We're committed to equipping our students with the skills, knowledge, and adaptability necessary to excel in their chosen fields. The College of Engineering and Technology fosters a culture of innovation, teamwork, and problem-solving. Students will be engaged in research, collaborative projects, and experiential learning.

College Mission Statement

The College Unit of the University of St. La Salle aims to evangelize Christian men and women and challenge them to develop their full potential into becoming competent, confident, concerned and committed persons who are animated by the Lasallian spirit of faith and zeal to work for social transformation.

Anchored on Catholic Faith and especially accessible to those intellectually capable but financially underprivileged, the college commits itself to inculcate a passion for excellence with a soul, as all sectors journey together in a culture of openness, dialogue and commitment. Specifically, the College aims to form students who are:

  • Able to think and express themselves clearly, critically and objectively, enabling them to excel in their chosen fields and to translate knowledge into something useful for society;
  • Emotionally mature, socially responsible, and especially sensitive to addressing the needs of the less fortunate particularly the youth at risk;
  • Rooted in their spiritual and moral values, living these out in their daily decisions and actions as responsible members of their workplace, their family, Church, community, and society; and
  • Secure in the richness of their Filipino cultural heritage but respectful of cultural diversity, making them true citizens of the world.All these in the spirit of faith and zeal.



Program Learning Outcomes

  • Will have successful careers in engineering and technology and will have assumed professional roles in the society
  • Will have advanced their knowledge and expertise through continuous participation in professional development opportunities or graduate studies
  • Will be actively involved in professional organizations as well as community-based organizations



Academic Programs


Bachelor of Science

 Chemical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering is a profession that involves the conceptualization, development, design, improvement and application of safe, healthy, ethical and economic ways of utilizing materials and energy in unit processes and operations for the benefit of society and the environment through the knowledge of mathematics, chemistry, biology, information technology and other natural, applied and social sciences, gained by study, research and practice.     Chemical Engineering is one of the broader fields of engineering disciplines both in terms of the range of problems that fall within its purview and in the range of knowledge required to solve those problems

Check the prospectus and course outline here.

 Computer Engineering

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering is a program that embodies the science and technology of design, development, implementation, maintenance and integration of software and hardware components in modern computing systems and computer-controlled equipment.

Check the prospectus and course outline here.


 Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering is a profession that involves the conceptualization, development, design and application of safe, healthy, ethical, economical, and sustainable generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical energy for the benefit of society and the environment through the knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, information technology and other allied sciences, gained by study, research and practice.

Check the prospectus and course outline here.

 Electronics Engineering

The Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering program integrates available and emerging technologies with knowledge of mathematics, natural, social and applied sciences to conceptualize, design, and implement new, improved,or innovative electronic, computer and communication systems, devices, goods, services and processes.

Check the prospectus and course outline here.

 Materials Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Materials Engineering is a field of study which deals with the synthesis and use of both fundamental and empirical knowledge about materials in particular, how the properties of a material are related to composition, structure, and processing in order to develop, prepare, modify, and apply them to specific needs. Materials Engineering provides the tools necessary to improve the properties, processing, and performance of materials such as polymers, ceramics, semiconductors, metals, and composites for a wide variety of applications. Such innovations pave way for technological progress in the country.

Check the prospectus and course outline here.

Computing Studies
 Computer Science

The BS Computer Science program includes the study of computing concepts and theories, algorithmic foundations and new developments in computing. The program prepares students to design and create algorithmically complex software and develop new and effective algorithms for soling computing problems.     The program also includes the study of the standards and practices in Software Engineering. It prepares students to acquire skills and disciplines required for designing, writing and modifying software components modules and applications that comprise software solutions.

Check the prospectus and course outline here.

 Information Technology

The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology focuses in creating web applications and mobile applications. The program also includes the study of the utilization of both hardware and software technologies involving planning, installing, customizing, operating, managing and administering, and maintaining information technology infrastructure that provides computing solutions to address the needs of an organization.     The program prepares graduates to address various user needs involving the selection, development, application, integration and management of computing technologies within the organization.

Check the prospectus and course outline here.

 Entertainment and Multimedia Computing

Bachelor of Science in Entertainment and Multimedia Computing is the study and use of concepts, principles, and techniques of computing in the design and development of multimedia products and solutions. It includes various applications such as in science, entertainment, education, simulations and advertising.     The Digital Animation Technology specialization is focused on the application of fundamental and advanced theories and advanced techniques in 2D and 3D animation, use and development for advancement of animation technologies, and production of commercially acceptable content and viable solutions for different platforms such as broadcast, web and mobile cast.

Check the prospectus and course outline here.


Contact Info

 USLS CET Council

